Bankonthip “conquista” Bangkok
02/09/2019 - News
Per il secondo anno consecutivo i prodotti realizzati presso la scuola di taglio e cucito di Bankonthip conquistano Bangkok: infatti sono stati esposti per una settimana presso le sale della banca di Bangkok al centro della capitale.
Vestiti, borse, zaini, piccoli oggetti, centritavola, tutto questo prodotto dalla mani delle ragazze che frequentano la scuola di Taglio e cucino nata all’interno dell’Holy Family Catholic Center, missione nel nord della Thailandia.
La responsabile dello Staff del Centro Tippawan Arnee raggiunta telefonicamente a Bangkok durante i giorni dell’esposizione, ha voluto sottolineare che “è davvero importante per la realtà della scuola “Bankonthip” farsi conoscere e sono davvero contenta di essere qui, di poter essere voce di quella che è diventata ormai anche la mia casa e sono altresi contenta che in questa settimana molte persone si sono fermate non solamente per ammirare ed acquistare i prodotti ma per chiedere informazioni sulla realtà. Sono state giornata molto piene e vorrei ringraziare coloro che in questi giorni ci hanno aiutato”
Grazie a loro, anche se ad oltre 900 chilometri di distanza dal Centro, si è ricreato il clima di famiglia e fraternità che caratterizza il lavoro delle ragazze della missione che attraverso la realizzazione dei diversi prodotti, coi ricami e le decorazioni, desiderano esprimere la loro gioia nel mettere in pratica gli insegnamenti ricevuti e allo stesso tempo desiderano far esplodere la gioia per coloro che li indossano .
Infatti accanto a lei vi erano delle volontarie che all’inizio dell’anno hanno visitato la missione nel nord del paese e tornando in capitale hanno voluto fin da subito rendersi utili per sostenere la realtà del centro: questo segna tante persone che visitano la missione.
For the second consecutive year the products made at the “Bankonthip” cutting and sewing school conquer Bangkok: in fact for a week they were exhibited in the halls of the Bangkok bank in the center of the capital.
Clothes, bags, backpacks, small objects, centerpieces all born created by handsby of the girls who attend the cutting and cooking school that born within the Holy Family Catholic Center the mission in northern of Thailand.
In this place the little guests and the girls feel welcomed, protected; they grow up surrounded by the love of the family trying to do their best, day after day, without too big projects.
Thus wrote the Australian writer Sergio Bambaren:
“Anyone at some point in life builds his own house.
The hard part is building a house of the heart.
A place not only for sleeping, but also for dreaming.
A place to grow a family with love, a place not only to find shelter from the cold but a corner of our own from which to admire the change of seasons, a place not just where to pass the time, but where to feel joy for the rest of life” .
Bankonthip wants to be just this: that place where it serve not only as shelter, but a place born to dream, a place where people who live and live there can find joy and happiness.
“Bankonthip”: the place where the unmistakable lifestyle of the Center is born and flourishes, the originality and the validity of a truly unique educational experience; in which one lives a simple life without making projects too big but trying to do the best possible day after day, based on a feeling of common brotherhood.
“Bankonthip”: it isn’t just a simple home and school: here during the years of apprenticeship the student discovers and manifests her own culture, her inner richness, her own mentality; it is an added value to the work carried out in an atmosphere of joy.
Tippawan Arnee, coordinator of the Center Staff, reached by telephone in Bangkok during the days of the exhibition, wanted to emphasize that “it’s really important for the Bankonthip reality to make itself known and I am really happy to be here, to be able to be the voice of what has become my home by now and I am also happy that in this week many people stopped not only to admire and buy the products but to ask for information about reality. It have been days very busy and I would like to thank those who have helped us these days “.
In fact, next to her there were some volunteers who at the beginning of the year visited the mission in the north of the country and returning to the capital they immediately wanted to be useful to support the reality of the center.
A rainbow that colors the sky, a rainbow made up of colors that are nothing but those people who visit the mission, and it’s not important if they come from different countries, if they have a different language and traditions, but what unites them is the spirit that they live and receive in the Center and feel themselves at home, or as they say in the local language “Ban“.